
We hope you find the following useful, however, please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you would like to know about Daisy Chain Day Nursery.


If you are interested in booking a place for your child at our nursery, please make an appointment to visit us and we'll gladly take the time to explain everything you need to know. We look forward to meeting you.


Settling into nursery

We endeavour to invest time in getting to know new children and parents. Each child has an individually tailored settling in process whereby the practitioners, parents and children are given time to get to know each other and their respective routines. Meetings between the parent and the child’s key worker are arranged to enable discussion about the child’s individual stage of development, interests, home routines and needs.  Each child has visits to the nursery prior to their start date to allow them to get used to the nursery environment and staff. Visits are tailored to best meet the needs of the individual child.


We operate a strict security policy only those people nominated and identified by the parent/legal guardian will be allowed access


Parent Handbook

Parent Handbook
Parent Handbook May 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [964.6 KB]

Policy Document

Policy Document
Daisy Chain Policy Document Jan 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.0 MB]

Contact Details:


01733 554897


Opening hours

08.00 to 18.00 Monday to Friday. (7.30am and 7.45am starts also available, please enquire)



Daisy Chain Day Nursery
Palmers Road






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